Spread baking soda on your mattress and letting it soak for 30 minutes before vacuuming it off to get a fresh smelling mattress!
#2 Magical Baking Soda
The versatility of baking soda is amazing, as it can be used for nearly every issue you have in your home...or on your body! It can be used as a deodorant when you've run out and the stores are closed for the night!
#3 Teeth Whitener
The peroxide in baking soda makes for the perfect teeth whitener. No more spending tons of money on white strips!
Tired of the oven build-up of food? Well dousing and scrubbing it with baking soda will remove the stains in no time!
Soaking your jewelry in a baking soda and water mixture will have them sparkling like new!
It can clear your skin and pores when combined with water!
The cleansing power of apple cider vinegar combined with baking soda creates the perfect shampoo...free of harsh chemicals!
How to Do the Soda Can Magic Trick (VIDEO)